Vegetables Anyone?

Animosity toward immigrants

is like disliking vegetables.

We need them both!

Construction for The Great Wall of China was started in the 7th century BCE and considerably expanded in 220 BCE by Qin Shi Huang (first emperor) and much later by the Ming Dynasty in the 17th CE.

Our proposed wall would be a flimsy and hugely expensive imitation and not a viable candidate as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We need foreigners:

  • Youthful, brave, energetic, hard-working parents, students and workers
  • Skilled, educated risk takers
  • Entrepreneurs with fresh and bold ideas


  • We are getting old
  • Our birth rate is in decline
  • We have ill-used and displaced the original natives, kidnapped slaves and swarmed the shores as immigrants – that is our history and who we are


  • Create an efficient protocol to let good people in

  • Stop harassing undocumented residents who are living here productively and arrange a path to citizenship

  • Help our southern neighbors to make life better

  • Forget the wall – find something with a better ROI


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