HEALTHCARE FOR ALL, America Soon to Be Joining the Civilized World! July 24, 2017July 24, 2017 Susan Schell Thank you, Barack Obama! I’ve been predicting that because of the ACA legislation you passed 7 yrs ago, passing legislation providing Healthcare 4 All , clearly is in America’s near future!!!…. And, that can’t be soon enough. Some of the most powerful people in the US are talking about a massive change to healthcare Once confined to the fringes of debate, the… BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Related
Thanx for letting me know Jim. Tim is going to have to work on that since I’m useless re: technology issues!
Sue, this is James Bell. Tried to register, but it didn’t work. Will try again later.
Thanx for letting me know Jim. Tim is going to have to work on that since I’m useless re: technology issues!