Being a member of congress is a great gig, despite all the “sacrifice and exhausting public service.”
Why do some of these characters hang on for decades? I agree with Randy Bryce, Paul Ryan’s long shot iron worker opponent. They should trade places – an excellent idea. Rand Paul is warning his colleagues that they will have to explain their healthcare positions to their “republican” constituents and face their wrath when they return home for the summer. Do these “public servants” forget that once elected they represent everybody?
Apparently not, based on comments from the top suggesting that they should let the ACA fail because it is not theirs. Incredible!
Any elected official who aggressively works to defeat OBAMACARE without a better answer, doesn’t deserve to have a job in Congress!
And our fearless leader is promising to “primary” any republican senator that votes against repealing.
It’s time for them to bite the bullet and stand up for Americans.