Freedom School – Strategy or Ignorance

  The “commander” has been fed the philosophies of Robert LeFevre’s Freedom School –  spooned out by his erstwhile chief strategist. Did he actually understand what he consumed? Are the bizarre tweets, attacks on journalists, and outrageous feuds part of a deliberate strategy to distract while institutions are destroyed?

Freedom School Philosophy:All government consists of customs and institutions that control our lives by stealing our property, restricting our freedom, and endangering our lives with the rationale of protecting us from ourselves.

Deconstructing the administrative state – sabotaged from the inside:

Department of Energy Has enormous responsibilities: protecting electric grid, managing nuclear arsenal, gauging outside nuclear threats.

Now run by a guy who campaigned on abolishing the department (after he remembered its name.)

Department of Agriculture Manages food stamps, school lunches, has a $220 Billion bank which funds SBA loans for small farms.

A talk show host with no science credentials was nominated to be Chief Scientist

EPA Established by Nixon in 1970 and has been successful in cleaning the air and water since then.  Has endeavored to curb CO2 emissions with the Clean Power Act but that is too much for the coal guys who see no reason to change.

The new leader thinks the Koch’s are correct. They should be allowed to dump benzene wherever they want, use decrepit pipelines that have killed people, spill oil, and spew pollution without regulation – let the free market set the rules.

Consumer Financial Protection Agency In case a big bank like Wells Fargo tries to setup accounts in our name without our permission this group can come to our aid.

Newly nominated leader thinks the agency is a “joke” and has too much power because it was established to be insulated from politics.

Department of Education The primary functions of the Department of Education are to “establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights.

This department is run by a person with no prior experience with public schools and supports for-profit charter schools.