HARDSCHELL REPORT, May 26, 2017, Evanston, IL New Trier – Tip of the Spear How the Illinois Family Institute – listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center tried to shut down this documentary filmmaker who reported on thier dark money activities to make New Trier hight school a test case to shut down public education and privatize!! It’s all happening right here folks!! The long arm of Betsy Devos, professional Media Pundits, and BIG PAC MONEY . . .
Category: Uncategorized
Macron….Excellent Fake Right & Go Left
HARDSCHELL REPORT, May 27, 2017, Evanston, IL..….
Mr. Macron, Sir….We had no idea what an agile athlete you are and praise your improbable move to avoid the clumsy Trump arm wrestling. The way you left America’s fake president hanging was priceless.
Nobody Loves a Wall
Hard Schell Report, Evanston, IL Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Build that Wall…Build that Wall…And who is going to pay for that wall? You..and me and every tax payer in the US. Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That wants it down. So, tell me… why offend our peaceful neighbors? THE MENDING WALL . . .
Chinese president Xi Takes Trump to School
April 13, 2017, Evanston, IL……. Apparently, Trump came into his first meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, in early April, convinced that China could simply eliminate the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear program. However, after listening for 10 minutes to President Xi patiently explain Chinese-Korean history to Trump —” I realized it’s not so easy,” the president told the Wall Street Journal. “I felt pretty strongly that they’d had a tremendous power [over] North Korea. … But it’s not . . .
Protect the Open Internet-Enforce Net Neutrality
April 11, 2017, Evanston, IL……Last week, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai — a former Verizon lawyer — met with cable- and phone-company lobbyists to outline his plan to get rid of Net Neutrality.He wants to ditch the strong FCC rules that protect the open internet and instead ask internet service providers to “voluntarily” enforce Net Neutrality. Keep in mind that these are the same companies that sued to overturn the Net Neutrality rules and are still fighting in Congress to undermine . . .
Too Much Temptation For A Self-Centered Person
April 10, 2017, Hardschellreport, Evanston, IL……….Investors seem to be betting President Trump’s decision to retaliate against Syria after the chemical attack on Syrian citizens earlier this week may mean the Pentagon will need more Tomahawks. The Department of Defense is asking for $2 billion over five years to buy 4,000 Tomahawks for the U.S. Navy in its fiscal 2017 budget last February. Keep in mind nearly five dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles cost $800,000 each according to the Boston Herald, were . . .
Trump’s Wall Folly
April 9, 2017, The Hard Schell Report, Evanston, IL …..Let us hope that concerns over diplomatic fallout, the disruption to local communities and the enormous cost of this ill-conceived Trump idea, estimated to cost the US anywhere from $22 billion to $40 billion will give rise for GOP leaders and legislators to push back against Trump’s whimsy. “There is no practical reason for a border wall, especially since illegal migration has been zero or negative for nearly nine years,” . . .
Why Have an EPA?
April 5, 2017, Evanston, Il……Every day, the EPA is looking out for our health, whether we know it or not. Our cities and states are healthier places to live because of its work cleaning up pollution that occurred years before while also protecting us from new pollutants of all kinds. This crucial work is now being threatened by a misguided president. Since his inauguration, Trump has nixed the Stream Protection Rule, attacked the Clean Water Rule and seeks to eliminate . . .
We The Public Need to Fight for Net Neutrality
April 4, 2017, Evanston, IL…….The measure blocking the online privacy rules is on the desk of President Trump, who is expected to sign it on Thurs, Apr. 6th. Here is quick history what happened leading to this point: In 2015, the rules known as the Net Neutrality rules were provided and passed by the FCC treating broadband providers such as cable and phone companies tougher than internet companies such as Yahoo or Facebook, which are able to sell their consumer . . .
Hillary, Revealed — How Did She Ever Lose?
April 3, 2017, Evanston, IL.…… Guardian: Why Hillary Lost I know many of us have asked ourselves this question. Especially, in light of who won the electoral vote count and what people were willing to overlook in this presidential election. I have to admit, I was stunned when I saw what we’d done. Based on polling I knew, Hillary would have a struggle, yet I believed that the woman I’d admired for over 30 yrs. would certainly win because of . . .