Russia’s Hobbesian Bargain

Thomas Hobbes declared in 1651, in Leviathan, that without a social contract in which everyone gains security in return for subjecting themselves to an absolute authority, a “state of nature” will prevail. Life becomes “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” when individuals are bound only by their personal power and conscience.  Unlimited “natural” freedoms include the right to plunder, rape and murder. Social contract theory asserts that law and political order are not natural but a means to an end. . . .

Warp Speedster

An ironically named committee is being assembled to conquer the new corona virus. What is warp speed? There is the science fiction concept first introduced by John F. Campbell in his novel from 1931, Islands of Space, as a technique for traveling faster than light. Then there is Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which, upon casual interpretation indicates that matter (having mass) cannot travel at the speed of light. It would require an infinite amount of energy. So here we . . .

Why Sebastian Gorka, Represents a Threat to U.S.

With Islamophobic views and ties to neo-Nazi extremists – thinking this man has the ear of the president is truly scary. Gorka, a former Breitbart editor came to the Trump admin through Steve Bannon at a salary of $155,000, Gorka’s job appears to be constantly spinning the administration’s confused, roller-coaster ride of a foreign policy; and slamming “the fake-news industrial complex,” on CNN. In the past, Gorka, who lived in Hungary was enmeshed in a web of ultraright, anti-Semitic and . . .


This seems foolhardy to me! With an increasingly connected world, if this does happen, it would be going against everything that the U.S. govt has worked toward for the last decade. By dissolving its Cyber Dept., in the event of a data breach, who is going to not only investigate that crime, but be assuring our gov.t agencies that they aren’t vulnerable to a cybercrime, intrusions & data breaches! Every day of every year, the cyber threats change and they’re . . .

HEALTHCARE FOR ALL, America Soon to Be Joining the Civilized World!

Thank you, Barack Obama! I’ve been predicting that because of the ACA legislation you passed 7 yrs ago, passing legislation providing Healthcare 4 All , clearly is in America’s near future!!!…. And, that can’t be soon enough. Some of the most powerful people in the US are talking about a massive change to healthcare Once confined to the fringes of debate, the… BUSINESSINSIDER.COM