Our SAD political situation not withstanding we need ideas and ultimately solutions. The problems are obvious enough double talk and pandering to special interests. Let’s work on these issues! Reliance on carbon conversion for energy Atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide sets the earth’s temperature higher as it rises The oceans absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide making them more acidic and less hospitable to life. Choking on plastic detritus 300 million tons produced annually, half for single use Recycled economy is disappearing . . .
Author: Timothy Schell
Profiles in Courage
Where is Courage? Commander Chief of Staff Migrant Mother Afraid of: Others Reporters Competition Criticism Being ignored Medal festooned General afraid of: The Commander (See left) Afraid of: Violence at Home Abject Poverty Childish bragging, petty feuds, and incoherent strategies “Honor, this is the bedrock of our character” But has the courage to risk everything for her kids Yes, it’s obvious. We need to stop this silent coup with a course correction!
We Win You Lose
America First – good for the bully maybe not the citizens. Hello Congress!! America First (or we win you lose): NAFTA, Eurozone, TPP, G7, UN Human Rights Council: all multilateral groups. The commander doesn’t like them because It is easier to sqeeze one on one – otherwise they tend to gang up. USA, with less than 5% of world’s people, does not have the proportionate influence it had seventy-two years ago after World War II. The U.N. was established in . . .
Game Over
The NFL is the largest spectator sporting league in the world but how much longer can this entertainment anachronism survive? 5 more years? Viewership has declined for the past two years. Follow the money. High school football participation is down according to National Federation of State High School Associations. As we learn more about CTE, a sport that relies on continued head pounding for entertainment will not survive the concerns of mothers and fathers. Finally, the “controversy” over players kneeling to protest police . . .
Maybe it Works?
Could the commander’s basal instincts make the world better? Iran? China? North Korea As David Brooks mentions in NYT, the commander: “…understands the thug mind a whole lot better than the people who attended our prestigious Foreign Service academies.” Maybe thug on thug negotiations will work and the commander’s feral cunning is needed at this moment in history. We should be open. Giving odds on success in any of the three current hot spots, I would be very careful. . . .
The Coy Commander
The commander is being coy according to the New York Times in a recent article about reneging on the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA). coy /koi/ adjective: reluctant to give details, especially about something regarded as sensitive. “he is coy about his size” Why be coy? Could it be that there is no plan for after the bluster? Or is it just a passive aggressive cry for attention? Is there a middle east strategy? We deserve to know what is going . . .
Borrow and Pay
When to Borrow? When to Pay Off? US Government Debt: Treasury Bills, notes and bonds are fixed income, considered safe investments with relatively low interest rates. The current National Debt of $15.5 trillion equates to a debt-to-GDP ratio around 81 percent based on the most recent second quarter GDP of $19,2 trillion. According to the World Bank the tipping point is 77 percent (the point at which debt begins to have an adverse effect on economic growth) – we have . . .
Who are we? According to our Defense Secretary (he’s the thoughtful one): “Everything we do must contribute to the lethality of our military” National Defense Strategy Document: “Inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security”. China is the primary adversary and although Russia is more forceful it is a much more limited threat, then there are the lesser threats of North Korea and Iran. “As China continues its economic and military ascendance, asserting power . . .
EPA Science Debate?
Intuitively survival requires us to protect the planet – clean air, clean water, not breathing a lot of Particulate Matter (PM). PM2.5 etc. Why are we hearing from a member of the EPA transition team (formerly a shill for tobacco and oil) that air pollution isn’t bad for your health? Along with the Kochish payola that pours into the political arena, there is something else: imputing divine guidance from a literal interpretation of bible sentences taken out of context . . .
Are we in the way?
Innocent or obese civilians can frustrate an agenda. Not if the commander has anything to say. Bombs Away: On March 20, 2018 the Senate narrowly voted to defeat a resolution to block sales of laser guided bomb systems to Saudi Arabia presented by Rand Paul (R-KY) and Chris Murphy (D-CT). The CEO of Raytheon (maker of the armaments) met with US officials prior to the vote to encourage the continued sales and was delighted by the vote outcome (a big . . .