Next Move?

67 Years of US / Iran History 1953 Iran had a democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, who was concerned with the influence that  Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP) had over Iranian oil reserves.  A coup d’état was arranged by British Intelligence  and Eisenhauer’s CIA. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was installed as monarch and ruled for the next 26 years until he was overthrown by the Iranian Revolution in 1979. 1979 The  Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line stormed the US embassy . . .

Speed Talking Lies

Trust? It looks like IMPOTUS, like Julius Caeser, has decided to take us across the Rubicon. According to our pompous speed talking Secretary of State, we are executing our “national security strategy.” We have a strategy? The senior senator from Florida is also speed talking a defensive sounding rationale on the Sunday talk shows. Talking fast gives a sense of urgency. But this is about desperate domestic political pandering – not about the many words. Meanwhile we wait for the . . .