Borrow and Pay

When to Borrow? When to Pay Off? US Government Debt: Treasury Bills, notes and bonds are fixed income, considered safe investments with relatively low interest rates. The current National Debt of $15.5 trillion equates to a debt-to-GDP ratio around 81 percent based on the most recent second quarter GDP of $19,2 trillion. According to the World Bank the tipping point is 77 percent (the point at which debt begins to have an adverse effect on economic growth) – we have . . .


Who are we? According to our Defense Secretary (he’s the thoughtful one): “Everything we do must contribute to the lethality of our military” National Defense Strategy Document: “Inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security”. China is the primary adversary and although Russia is more forceful it is a much more limited threat, then there are the lesser threats of North Korea and Iran. “As China continues its economic and military ascendance, asserting power . . .