Guns and The Money

Safety versus Gun Sales We are not winning The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 to advance rifle marksmanship, motivated by the poor shooting skills demonstrated by the Union army during the Civil War. Since 1975 the organization has directly lobbied for favorable legislation by spending $millions donating to “A” rated candidates. Favorable to whom? Follow the money:Total revenue in 2016 was $436 million. In 2015 CEO Wayne Lapierre took home $5.1 million for a job well done selling . . .

GDP versus Well Being

  How do we grade ourselves?  GDP is the total value (monetary) of everything produced by all the people and companies in the country. What about quality of life? The commander likes to brag about his impact on GDP and predicts higher growth without any supporting facts or theory.  His two dimensional thinking misses important contributions from innovation such as advances in preventive medicine, free access to knowledge through tools like Wikipedia, affordable healthcare and a protected environment and also masks . . .

The Petulant Vice Commander

    Our Vice “commander” is on a mission of togetherness while attending the Olympics. Not Quite: “Together with Japan and our allies, let the world know this: We will continue to intensify our maximum pressure campaign until North Korea takes steps … we will not allow North Korean propaganda to hijack the message and imagery of the Olympic games” We know the vice “commander” won’t be meeting with Kim’s sister and definitely not alone, just in case she would succumb . . .