Government Purpose?

  What is the role of government? We may believe the government should provide protection from fire, floods, crime and foreign incursions. What about help for poor parents, health problems, job loss, polluted air, unsafe water or even bad decisions? According to the current Speaker of the House, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare violate the liberty of the taxpayers whose earnings are transferred to the less fortunate but also squash the spiritual needs of the recipients. He believes that federal programs . . .

Mendacity in the Air

  At this point there is an unsurmountable barrier to acceptance of any of the “commander’s” executive orders, appointments or strategies. I doubt there was any willing collusion with the Russians simply because of demonstrated incompetence. Obviously if the “commander” was offered the opportunity to collude, it would have been taken.   Benefit of the doubt is gone, erased by mendacity, venality and pettiness. Any accidental good idea stumbled on will not pass the test of time and eventually will . . .

Where are we going with Energy?

Burn?   or Renewable? Let’s think about this: Yes we figured out how to control fire 300,000 years ago – and it was huge, but now we are seven billion and counting, burning carbon (coal, oil, gas) for energy conversion is primitive and ultimately destructive. The big obstacle to moving forward is that the highly organized and committed to looking backward extraction giants need to reinvent themselves and we citizens need to pay better attention. Proposed Tax Plan: Currently operators of . . .