Film Reveals Test Case to Shut Down Public Education & Privatize Close to All of Us

HARDSCHELL REPORT, May 26, 2017, Evanston, IL New Trier – Tip of the Spear How the Illinois Family Institute – listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center tried to shut down this documentary filmmaker who reported on thier dark money activities to make New Trier hight school a test case to shut down public education and privatize!! It’s all happening right here folks!! The long arm of Betsy Devos, professional Media Pundits, and BIG PAC MONEY . . .

Macho Insecurity on World Stage

  Does oafish behavior appeal to the base? That would be an interesting study in macho-insecurity. Pushing the Montenegro Prime Minister out of camera range in order to be front and center, now seems like normal behavior and perfectly encapsulates the person. Of course, “America First” and the rest of you get in line! Lecturing from someone else’s written speeches – not very persuasive and let’s call it what it is: embarrassing.

Our Mad Man?

The U.S. appears to be out of step. Our guy is a Mad Men era character with the grabbing, stream polluting, and sclerotic thinking about us against them. Canada seems so much more evolved and now probably France. Sure, if you are in the “us” camp you can look forward to tax breaks but pity the fools over there with “them”. Who do they think they are getting sick or being poor? Our guy created a fabulous empire with only . . .

The Greeks had their Metics

  What is so vile and scary about a “path to citizenship”?   Amnesty, from Greek amnēstía, “forgetfulness of wrong” seems like a good concept. Who wants to hold on to resentment for someone who bravely escaped a hard and often dangerous life and crossed a border? Could it be simply a dislike and fear of the differences in appearance, language and habits? If so, maybe it is time to do some travelling. This attitude is nothing new. The ancient . . .